The story after the ending
When we watch the ending of a movie or read the final chapter of a book, it is easy to assume that the rest of the story will continue that way: “And they lived happily ever after…” But real life doesn’t work that way – we can arrive but not stay forever. Yet, that seems to be the expectation and, I believe, a lie we tell ourselves.
Yes, we get to end projects – and the world can certainly do with more people completing what they’ve started – but what happens after the end is more important – and perhaps the more difficult journey.
The story after the ending is not only about permanent and sustainable change. It is also about an identity change (Interestingly, I’ve been told this before). I, for example, do not wish to live my life as someone who always needs to watch what they eat and weigh in under supervision every month. I desire to tear those labels off me and step into and own a new identity – something I’ve been working hard at achieving.
Although storytelling would have us believe that the ending is where the magic is, it is not. The magic always lies in new beginnings and reinvention.